Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Statistics Table Dialog Box

This dialog displays calculated statistics for a water quality batch run.

The dialog shows the statistics in a tabular format divided into a Nodes tab and a Pipes tab, along with the following controls:

  • Export: The default behavior is Export to Excel. When the drop-down arrow is clicked, a menu with two options is displayed:
    • Export to Excel: Exports the statistics table for all trace sources at the specified start time and stop time. Each source is created as its own worksheet in a single workbook. Only the data for the current tab is exported (i.e. if "Nodes" is selected then only nodes are exported. If "Pipes" is selected, then only pipes are exported).
    • Export for Color Coding: Opens the Export for Color Coding dialog, allowing you to specify the scenario and fields to export for use with the color coding feature.
  • Copy: Copies the statistic table to the clipboard for use in an external application.
  • Report: Generates a preformatted report containing the data in the statistics table.
  • Help: Opens the online help.
  • Alternative/Trace Node: For Trace Analysis, this field allows you to select the Trace Node for which statistics are calculated. For Constituent Analysis, this field allows you to select the constituent scenario.
  • Start Time: Allows you to select the start time for the statistics calculations.
  • Stop Time: Allows you to select the stop time for the statistics calculations.
  • Auto-Refresh: When this box is checked, the results in the table will automatically be refreshed when changes are made.
  • Refresh: Refreshes the results displayed in the table to reflect changes made in this dialog.